Here is the video from our Scholarships & Awards presentation this morning. Congratulations to all deserving recipients. šŸ’™#ihsallin
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Seniors and families: Donā€™t forget we are going ā€œLiveā€ this morning at 10am on Ingleside High Schoolā€™s Facebook page to announce scholarship recipients. We are recording the presentation to be shared at a later time. šŸ’™
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
All 9th-11th grade assignments are due tonight, Tuesday 5/19 @ 11:59pm. All grades will be final tomorrow at 12pm.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Check out this video! Senior parade info.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Chromebook collections start Monday 5/18 with seniors. 8-11 and 1-4 drive up to library door. If you canā€™t make your day, another day is fine! Check the schedule.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Update from Dr. Whidden. 5/13
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Updated Grading Policy for IISD
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Greetings Mustangs! Keep cranking out those online assignments and submitting your work to avoid summer school. We are finalizing grading procedures and will have an update by Wednesday. #finishstrong
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Donā€™t forget to thank our teachers and staff for all they do! Happy Teacherā€™s Appreciation Week.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Update from Dr. Whidden. 4.28.20
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Ingleside ISD is committed to updating the grading policy during our time of distance learning by weighing all options before selecting the policy that is most beneficial to our students. The first step is to assess student grades by replacing the "Missing" assignments with the number grade of Zero (0). Students will continue to have the opportunity to complete the assignments. Skyward will provide parents and students with an overall average for the 5th six weeks reflective of their grades prior to Spring Break as well as the distance learning. Please work with your child to get their "Missing" work turned in. Teachers will be inputting zeros in Skyward on Wednesday, April 29th.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
With the recent decision by Governor Abbott to close schools for the remainder of the year, we are having to make adjustments to our grading procedures. During our time of closure, students have been completing assignments. Now is the time to ensure your students have submitted work and received a grade. We will be using the work submitted to determine if your student will pass for the year or will receive an incomplete. If your student receives an incomplete, they will be expected to attend summer school (either in person or virtually depending on our circumstances). Please reach out to your campus principals if you have any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Big News IHS! Donā€™t miss it.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Update from IHS. šŸ’™
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
IHS Students...THIS! We are working diligently on plans for the future. Keep your head up and focus on the positive!šŸ’™#ALLIN
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
IHS staff will be observing Friday as a holiday and Monday as a teacher workday. Online instruction and assistance will resume on Tuesday 4/14. Stay safe and healthy.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
We put smiles on faces! What brings you JOY?šŸ™‚
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Take care of YOU! #alonetogether
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Hello, this is Dr. Whidden from Ingleside High School. We miss our students, and hope you are all well. This important message about COVID-19 will help to keep you safe and healthy. The most important thing you can do right now is stay at home! If thatā€™s not possible, practice social distancing by staying 6 feet from others. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs and countertops. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, and cover a cough or sneeze with your elbow. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 ā€“ a fever, dry cough, or shortness of breath, call your doctor. Remember, by staying apart now, we can all be together again faster!
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden
Hello Mighty Mustangs! Keep working hard on your assignments in Google Classroom, we are here to help. šŸ’™
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Whidden