Canā€™t wait to see everyoneā€™s smiling faces tomorrow, Tuesday, August 16th, for the first day of school! Tardy bell rings at 8:15AM. School lets out at 4 PM!
over 2 years ago, Steve Edlin
Attention Mustangland: Please visit our High School website under the "News" category to watch important videos about the start of the 22-23 school year! We look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces on Tuesday!
over 2 years ago, Steve Edlin
Welcome Back!!
Seniors: Join us for Senior Sunrise on Monday, August 15th at 6:00 AM.
over 2 years ago, Ingleside ISD
Senior Sunrise
***Important Change to Registration*** Registration has been moved to the FRONT ENTRANCE of IHS, NOT the cafeteria. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Steve Edlin
Attention Mustangland Incoming Freshmen!!
over 2 years ago, Steve Edlin
Fish Camp
Attention Mustangland: ON-SITE Registration information has been posted to the HIGH SCHOOL website (Not the ISD Website). Please go to our website and read the important registration information to streamline your ON-SITE Registration experience!
over 2 years ago, Steve Edlin
EXCITING NEWS OUT OF MUSTANGLAND: After completing their two-day choreography clinic with 365 Spirit, Ingleside High School Cheerleaders received individual bids to perform at the 2022 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Help us congratulate this outstanding group from Ingleside HS Cheer, The Spirit Of Mustangland!
over 2 years ago, Ingleside ISD
Group photo Cheer Team
UPCOMING CHANGES FOR SCHOOL MEALS: It is important that we provide you with the most up-to-date information so you may plan accordingly for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. As you may already be aware, the federal government allowed Ingleside ISD and many other school districts across our region to offer free meals to all students after Hurricane Harvey and during the pandemic. However, Congress did not extend this benefit for schools across the state for the 22-23 school year. This means that families that are eligible for free or reduced-price meals must apply to receive them, and all other students must pay full price for their meals. The application process for free and reduced-price meals opens on July 1st; at that time we will know what student meal prices will be set at. It is important that families apply for free or reduced-price meals during registration for their child prior to the start of school. The application will be included in the registration packet. If you have any additional questions, please contact your child's respective campus.
over 2 years ago, Ingleside ISD
What's changing with school meals?
EYES IN THE SKY: **In our tour guide voice** "And if you direct your attention to the left side of Highway 361, coming into Ingleside from Gregory Portland, you'll notice we have some familiar faces on this billboard!" This billboard was made possible through a generous sponsorship by Dairy Queen of Ingleside. We are so excited to have this opportunity to recognize the Ingleside High School Class of 2022 Top Ten Graduates!
over 2 years ago, Ingleside ISD
Billboard Photo
šŸŽ¶ šŸ„šŸŽŗšŸ†STATE SOLO AND ENSEMBLE CONTEST WINNERS: So proud of our students who placed at the State Level! Two soloists, Trevin Thurman and Colin Thurman, won gold medals! šŸ„‡ Also, the woodwind Ensemble made a Division 2 Excellent rating on the Mozart. Way to go
almost 3 years ago, Ingleside ISD
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
CITGO DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR: Stephen Muschenheim was selected as a Citgo Distinguished Scholar for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), where he was a high achiever in classes that focused on math and engineering design challenges. He is 1 of 40 students to receive this award out of the entire Coastal Bend. Stephen performed at a Distinguished level, earning the highest rank by his demonstration of integration of procedural knowledge and conceptual understanding to resolve complex and novel real-world problems on his Principles of Engineering Assessment with Project Lead the Way. Stephen will be awarded with a scholarship of $1000! Congratulations, Stephen! He is pictured here with his Math Teacher, Mrs. Rogers and Engineering Teacher, Mr. Penland.
almost 3 years ago, Ingleside ISD
STEM Distinguished Scholar
DRUM ROLL PLEASE: Meet the new drum majors of the IHS marching band for the 2022-2023 school year, Adeline Petty and Valerie Hernandez.
almost 3 years ago, Ingleside ISD
Drum Majors 22-23
Join us for an evening of fun on Thursday, May 5th. Ingleside ISD will be holding the Family Engagement & Community Fair where over 50 different local businesses and non-profits will be coming together to provide FREE giveaways and information for parents and students. There will be food trucks, FREE face painting, and more!
almost 3 years ago, Ingleside ISD
Family Engagement Flyer
National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to strengthen families to prevent child abuse and neglect. Through this collaboration, prevention services and support helps protect children and produce thriving families. As Mustangs, we stand united to prevent child abuse! For more information, visit:
almost 3 years ago, Ingleside ISD
Light blue back ground, navy blue text: We support Thriving Children and Families
Did you know that Ingleside ISD has a District app? That's right Mustang Family, you can have instant access to important updates, lunch menus, district event calendars, and be the first to receive push notifications to your device! Download it today by using the following link(s) below or search 'Ingleside ISD, TX' in Google Play or the App Store. Android: Apple:
almost 3 years ago, Ingleside ISD
black background white text Ingleside ISD, TX App
Leslie Pena breaks her own shotput record! This morning at the Intracoastal Relays in Flour Bluff, Leslie threw and broke her own record set previously this season.
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey Picou - Dir. of Communications & Community
L Pena Breaks Own Shotput record
Congratulations to student athlete, Jaxon Mabile, who set a new squat regional record in the 181 class for Powerlifting this morning!
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey Picou - Dir. of Communications & Community
J Mabile
We are so proud of these ladies who are continuing their academic & athletic endeavors. Seniors, Emily Jimenez and Hannah Colyer, signed with colleges to pursue their future aspirations and goals. Emily will play soccer for Schreiner University in Kerrville, TX and Hannah will be cheering for Austin College in Sherman, TX. Congratulations to these hard working ladies, youā€™ve made your school and community so proud!
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey Picou - Dir. of Communications & Community
Signing 1
Signing 2
Signing 3
Signing 4
Congratulations goes out to, Jaxon Mabile, of Ingleside Mustang-Athletics, as our Student Athlete of the Week! Jaxon, a senior, is ranked 26th in his class and has a 3.86 GPA. He's been a multi sport athlete at Ingleside in both football and powerlifting. Jaxon, will attend Texas A&M Kingsville next fall where and pursue a degree in Civil Engineering. He recently qualified for Regionals in Powerlifting and will compete this Friday in Bishop. He was also recently named Outstanding Lifter at the Agua Dulce Meet, where he won his 181 pound class with a total of 1700 pounds. He is also now a 2-time Student Athlete of the Week. Keep being a great role model Jaxon! The Student Athlete of the Week is presented by: Deanna Stuart: Allstate Insurance Agency. Pictured are: Coach Jimenez and Jaxon Mabile.
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey Picou - Dir. of Communications & Community
Jaxon Mabile- Student Athlete of the Week
Congratulations to Leslie Pena for breaking the IHS Shotput School Record!
about 3 years ago, Kelsey Picou - Dir. of Communications & Community
L Pena