It's Pumpkin Contest Time! Here are the rules for entry for LTJH and IHS students!! We can't wait to see what you all come up with!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
pumpkin contest
Looks like Ms. Whitehurst has some extremely talented students in her Chemistry class at IHS! Way to go Mustangs!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Pfizer Shot Clinic Happening tomorrow at the IHS Lecture Hall from 4-6 pm. Children must have a parent present to get vaccinated. If you attended our last event, please come to get your second dose if you have not already done so. These clinics will take place every 3 weeks!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Friday, October 1st -- NO School for IISD Students
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
no school
Parents, Our phone system at all campuses seems to be having issues receiving incoming calls. The company that provides our phone services is aware and they are working to correct the issue. Please be patient as we work to fix the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
phone issues
Happening next Monday! 1st Meeting for Project Graduation 2022!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
proj grad
REMINDER! Friday, September 24, is NOT a half-day. On the school Calendar, Friday, September 24 was originally a scheduled half-day. It was later amended and it is now a FULL REGULARLY SCHEDULED DAY for all IISD Campuses.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
HAPPENING TODAY -- Pfizer Vaccination Clinic -- Today, September 21, 2021 -- IHS Gym Ages 12 & Up! **Children under the age of 18 must have a parent present.** Open to the entire community!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
HAPPENING TOMORROW -- Pfizer Vaccination Clinic -- Tomorrow, September 21, 2021 -- IHS Gym Ages 12 & Up! **Children under the age of 18 must have a parent present.**
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Attention Seniors! Thursday, September 23, from 11:30 am -1:30 pm, Balfour will be in the High School Cafeteria to provide information to students and parents about Senior Rings, and Cap and Gown for graduation.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Adulting 101 Classes begin Next Week! What a great program to have in our community!! Take a look at the information provided in this post and be sure to sign-up!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
adulting classes
class scheduled
sign up sheet
Good Afternoon Mustangs, Ingleside ISD administration has made the decision to close all campuses on Monday, September 13, 2021, for all students and staff. Tropical Storm Nicholas brings potential threat of high winds, flooding, and power outages to our area. IISD will work closely with our City and County officials and communicate all information as it becomes available. A decision on reopening campuses on Tuesday, September 14 will be made Monday afternoon as we assess the amount of flooding and damage this storm brings. We will continue to communicate information directly to parents via our emergency phone notification system, the districtā€™s website, and social media outlets.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
kWh she
Mustangs! We are keeping a close eye on Tropical Storm Nicholas that has developed in the Gulf. As of now, there are no schedule changes for Monday. If there are any changes, cancellations, etc., we will communicate that info. directly via our emergency phone notification system, the Districtā€™s website, & social media.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
20 years has passed but, we will never forget...
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Tickets are still on sale!! Support the IISD Education Foundation and purchase your tickets today! **Please include your name and phone number when you send a Venmo.**
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
It's National Substitute Appreciation Week! Our subs. help make our school days run smoothly, step-in when needed and go above and beyond when called upon! Please help us celebrate them and show our extreme appreciation by commenting with a šŸ’™! #MustangFamily #MustangPride
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Reminder: Monday, September 6, is a Staff & Student Holiday in observance of Labor Day.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Good Afternoon Mustangs! Please click the link below for an important message from Superintendent Mircovich:
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
The first Blood Drive of the 21 -22 School Year has arrived! If you can, we would love for you to participate! We highly encourage you to schedule an appointment. Use this link: Make sure you eat & drink plenty of water & don't forget your photo I.D.!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Labor Day