about 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Early Release Day
Due to it being an early release day -- there will not be curbside lunch meals offered on Wednesday, December 23rd.
about 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Upcoming event! Be sure to sign up soon!
about 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Hello Mustangland! Please check your email for important information concerning Benchmark and Semester Exams!!
about 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Happy Thanksgiving to all of Mustangland!! We hope each of you has a fantastic day! Stay safe and we will see you soon. šŸ šŸ¦ƒ #mustangpride #thanksgiving2020 #gratitude
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Turkey day
IHS Boys Soccer tryouts are coming up!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Boys Soccer
Hello Mustangland Parents! Please click the link below for an important reminder about AIM for Success!
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Hello Mustangland! Use the link below to access our Boys Basketball Fan Cloth store and support our Mustangs!
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Hello Mustangland! Please click on the link below for information concerning Aim for Success!
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Happy Veterans Day. Today we honor all those men and women who proudly served our country! Without you, we would not have the freedoms of today. Please click this link to see a special video:
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Vets Day
November 16 - Make-Up Picture Day Seniors - 0800 - 1100 AM (wear your dress up clothes) Underclassmen - 1100 AM - 300 PM Questions? email or call the High School
over 4 years ago, Stacy Ostrom
Happening Tonight! Reminder: Attention Seniors! Tonight, Nov 9th from 5:00 - 7:00pm, Balfour will be in the High School Cafeteria to provide information to students and parents about Senior Rings, and Caps and Gowns for graduation.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Staff Dev.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Reminder!! Special Project is in the works!! In honor of Veterans Day, please send us pictures of your Veteran(s)! We may not be able to gather, but we can still celebrate our heroes in a meaningful way! Submissions Due: Monday, Nov. 9th Submit Pictures to -- **Include Veteran's Name, Branch of Service & Rank**
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Reminder: November 6th, is now a regularly scheduled school day for all IISD Campuses.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Early release
Congratulations to all the winners of the Virtual Pumpkin Contest! Thank you to everyone who participated! Enjoy the video:
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Today is the day! Get out and vote! šŸ—³
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
In honor of Veterans Day, please send us pictures of your Veteran(s)! We may not be able to gather, but we can still celebrate our heroes in a meaningful way! Submissions Due: Monday, Nov. 9th Submit Pictures to -- **Include Veteran's Name, Branch of Service & Rank**
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Veteran's Day Post
Happy Monday to all of our Mustangs! In accordance with our school calendar, Monday, November 9th is a Student Holiday. #thedistrictofchoice #mustangpride #mustangland
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Staff Development