Attention Seniors! On Monday, Nov 9th from 5:00 - 7:00pm, Balfour will be in the High School Cafeteria to provide information to students and parents about Senior Rings, and Caps and Gowns for graduation.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
October is National Principals Month! Today, we want to show our fearless campus leaders some Lā¤ļøVE. Thank you to each of our school principals for all they continue to do! Their hearts for our District, students & community has no limits! #mustangpride #DistrictofChoice
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Principals Month
The Halftime Games are back!!!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Early Release Day
For more information about returning to Face to Face instruction, please contact your campus. IHS: 361.776.2712 LTJH: 361.7762232 BSE: 361.776.3050 GJM: 361.776.1683 IPS: 361.776.3060
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Face to Face
Tomorrow is "Follow your dreams" day!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Hello Mustangland! Just a friendly reminder that we accept visitors by appointment only. Also, we do not accept any items from outside campus during the school day. If you need to set an appointment, please call 776-2712!
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Red Ribbon Week is coming! Here is list of events for IHS!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
High School Red Ribbon Week
Reminder! Oct. 23 & Nov. 6 were originally scheduled early release days. With changes in schedules for different events across the area, adjustments have been made and these are no longer early release days for our IISD Campuses. Thank you for your continued support!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Early Release Day
Reb Ribbon Week is coming!!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Red Ribbon Week
Ingleside! Together we can make a difference! To make an appointment, please visit:
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Blood Drive
Attention IISD community! ā€œThat Going Band From Mustanglandā€ will march and play their show in full uniform tonight at 6:45pm!! They will be recording this show and sending it off to a virtual competition!! Please join us at 6:45 pm at the stadium to be a part of our live audience!! We hope to see you there! #MustangPride #thedistrictofchoice
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
It's a halftime contest!!!! Entries can be purchased tonight at the parade or Friday night at the football game!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Edu. Foundation
Tomorrow is our Homecoming Parade!! We hope to see YOU out there! Our local Dairy Queen, and Funtrackers will be there to hand out goodies and treats, and we will have Kona Ice and Food available for purchase! See you tomorrow night! Gates open at 6:30pm!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Homecoming Pep Rally
Reminder! FAFSA Night is coming up!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
FAFSA 2020
Hands on learning at its finest! Ms. Elizondo's Medical Terminology Class making a "Sidewalk Chalk-Man"! The students used knowledge of directional terms, anatomical planes & abdominal regions to outline one another & label their Chalk-Man. #TheDistrictOfChoice #MustangPride
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Medical Term 1
Medical Term 2
Medical Term 3
Who is ready for a Virtual Pumpkin Decorating Contest!? See the flyer below for ALL the details!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Hello Mustangland! We will have a FAFSA Night for the class of 2021 on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at the IHS Cafeteria from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Please bring your chromebooks. Refreshments will be provided! See attached flyer for more information.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
FAFSA 2020
It's almost time for our Homecoming festivities to Begin! Join us for our Community Pep-Rally and Foot Parade on Wednesday, October 14th !! #MustangPride #DistrictOfChoice
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Homecoming Pep Rally
IHS Title 1 Zoom Meeting(s): Monday, October 12th HS Zoom Meeting 9:00 am - 10:30 am Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 958 0119 4370 Passcode: 5NNMQB HS Zoom Meeting 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 948 8216 2298 Passcode: 3LxhSp
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Title 1 Information
Title 1 Spanish Information