Hey there Mustangland! Day 4 of our Virtual Meet th Teacher shows off our wonderful Special Education, Counseling, & Library Departments!! Special Education - http://bit.ly/IHS-SpEd Counseling - http://bit.ly/IHS-CNS Library - http://bit.ly/IHS-LIB
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Hello Mustangland! Please click the link below to watch an important video from Mr. Hale about attendance! http://bit.ly/IHS-ATT
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Attention Mustangland parents, guardians, & other visitors: Please click the link below for important information about entering IHS! https://youtu.be/i3W43iA4Gvo
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Please see the Mustangland Face to Face At-a-Glance that contains important information for a smooth start for face to face instruction. Reminder: All normal school rules and guidelines outlined in the IHS Student Handbook still apply (dresscode, etc.).
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Face to Face
Attention Mustangland: Students attending ROTC & Law 1st pd in AP, meet in front of IHS no later than 7:40 to ride bus. Health Sci, Welding, 8th pd ROTC, catch bus in front of IHS for your pd. All MUST ride the bus, no driving to these classes except virtual students.
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Hello Mustangland! A quick reminder that beginning Sept 8th we will return to our REGULAR BELL SCHEDULE. Whether you are virtual or face to face, ALL will follow the regular bell schedule. See you Tuesday! The schedule can be viewed at this link: https://bit.ly/3gPIf1U
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Hey there Mustangland! Day 2 of the IHS Virtual Meet the Teacher introduces you to our magnificent Science and Social Studies departments!! #ihsrisestrong Science - http://bit.ly/IHS-SCI Social Studies - http://bit.ly/IHS-SS
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
IHS teachers enjoyed an appreciation lunch today! Dr. Edlin and his food service staff graciously served lunch to all HS teachers and employees. Teachers, we appreciate ALL you are doing! #ihsrisestrong #thedistrictofchoice
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Dr. E
Correct link for ELA: http://bit.ly/IHS-ELA1
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Hello Mustangland! IHS Virtual Meet the Teacher begins tonight! We will release videos daily for the next few days to introduce our All-Star cast! Click links below to meet our ELA & Math Depts! #ihsrisestrong ELA - http://bit.ly/IHS-ELA Math - http://bit.ly/IHS-MATH
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Mustangland: Reminder - Today is the last day to request a schedule change. You need to email your counselor by 5 PM today. No requests will be accepted after today!
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Public notice for Return to Campus for Ingleside High School. Link for Public Notice: https://bit.ly/3bkblVK
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Hello Mustangland! A quick reminder that beginning Sept 8th we will return to our REGULAR BELL SCHEDULE. Whether you are virtual or face to face, ALL will follow the regular bell schedule. See you Tuesday! The schedule can be viewed at this link: https://bit.ly/3gPIf1U
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
District Update: Hello Mustangs! Good morning and happy Monday! Please see the information in these pictures regarding Gym/Stadium policies and ticket information for our upcoming home games. Go Big Blue!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Ticket Policy
Stadium Information
Parents and Guardians of Mustangland.... this is for YOU! As we gear up for a new virtual school week, we want to say THANK YOU! Your dedication and support for your students and all of IISD during this time is appreciated! While we know this can be stressful, please know that YOU are helping make a difference! Thank you for partnering with our teachers and for your continued patience during this time! #thedistrictofchoice #mustangpride #togetherwestrive #weseeyou
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Donā€™t forget!! All currently registered students of IISD, can pick up lunch daily at the Primary Campus! M-F : 11am - 1pm Click link for more information: https://www.inglesideisd.org/article/284751?org=ingleside-isd
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Last Chance! If you have changed your mind and would like to change from virtual to face-to-face or from face-to-face to virtual -- please contact your child's campus by Friday, August 28th by 4:00pm. Ingleside Primary School (IPS) 361.776.3060 Gilbert J. Mircovich Elementary (GJM) 361.776.1683 Blaschke-Sheldon Elementary (BSE) 361.776.3050 Leon Taylor Junior High (LTJH) 361.776.2232 Ingleside High School (IHS) 361.776.2712 After Friday, changes will not be accepted until after the 1st 6-weeks of school.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Last Chance
The Blood Drive today was a huge success and all time slots were filled! Thank you to EVERYONE that donated. We appreciate you! #thedistrictofchoice
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Donor 1
Mustangland--join us as we RISE STRONG. COVID will not get the best of us. WE WILL NOT YIELD! Please enjoy this video starring our own IHS Staff! https://youtu.be/h1SJZCwvqUg
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Welcome Back Mustangs!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
First Day of School