Practicum in Health Science and Health Science I students - Google Classrooms have been created and invites sent. Please check you email and join classes. Sorry for the late notice I was not aware the Del Mar had not contacted you all. - Edlin
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Health Science I students... you will receive an invite to a Google Classroom from Dr. Edlin this evening. Please accept it and use the Google Meet link in it tomorrow for attendance.
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Mustangland!! Together, we can ā€œvirtuallyā€ do anything!! #TheDistrictOfChoice
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Together, we can do ā€œvirtuallyā€ anything! #TheDistrictOfChoice
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
New link for first day procedures video from Dr. Edlin. Sorry for any inconvenience. This one should work.
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Hello Mustangland! Please watch this important video concerning the 1st day of school.
over 4 years ago, Steve Edlin
Sign up for the Blood Drive! Now more than ever, we need your help! Sign up now:
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Blood Drive
An ENORMOUS thank you to Subsea 7, Kiewit, United Way & State Services for the most generous donations of school supplies for our IISD campuses! And.... extra shout out to the Ingleside Police Department for making these donations possible! We love our community partners! You make a difference and we appreciate YOU!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
School Supplies 1
School Supplies 2
School Supplies 3
United Way
After completing the investigation and contact tracing among our football players, IISD Administrators and Coaching Staff have declared the situation as isolated. The player that received the positive results and those that were in direct contact with him, will remain in self-isolation for the duration of the quarantine period outlined in the UIL guidelines. Following the direction of TEA/UIL/CDC, we have made the decision to continue the Junior High and High School football programs effective Thursday, August 20, 2020, with practices resuming as originally scheduled. We remain committed to the safety of our players and staff and will continue to monitor future situations. Thank you for your understanding and support and we will be sure to provide as much information as possible when situations such as this arise.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Please read this letter from the District. Thank you all for your support and understanding.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
For Immediate Release
Please see this letter from the District. Thank you for your continued support of IHS Athletics and IISD.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Covid Letter
Announcement: As of this morning, August 15 ā€” We have 2 positive COVID-19 cases among our Varsity Football Players. Staff is on site doing a thorough deep clean and walk through. Admin and Coaching Staff are investigating the situation further to determine the best course of action.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
We LOVED welcoming all our staff back to their campuses today! Mr. Mircovich, Dr. Porter and Ms. Mircovich stopped by to welcome everyone back! Cheers to a new, exciting journey! Go Mustangs! #IISD #MaskUp #GoBigBlue
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
New Year, same awesome team!
Hello Mustangs! Please see the information below from our Director of Special Education Services, Camille Burger, regarding Speech Services for the upcoming school year.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Speech Information
Speech Information
Speech Information
Good Morning Mustangland! This year may look different but, we are EXCITED to get the 2020 - 2021 School Year started! Enjoy this video from your Superintendent and Principals! More information coming soon!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
New School Year
Attention Mustangland!! The Volleyball game that was scheduled for tomorrow against Bishop has been cancelled. No news of a reschedule as of yet but, we will keep you posted!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Attention High School Parents and Students! If you missed registration and worried about getting everything taken care of -- No worries! Please come by the HS on Tues. or Wed. 9-12 or 1-4 to complete the process! We look forward to seeing you there!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Register Now!
Let's Talk Virtual Learning! IHS students --Enjoy this important message from Dr. Edlin!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Virtual Learning
REGISTRATION BEGINS TODAY! Sen - Thursday, Aug 6; 9-12/1-4 Jun - Friday, Aug 7; 9-12/1-4 Soph - Monday, Aug 11; 9-12/1-4 Fresh - Tuesday, Aug 12; 9-12/1-4
over 4 years ago, Stacy Ostrom
Hello Mustangs! Please click the link below for an important message from Dr. Edlin, your NEW IHS Principal!
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Taylor
Register Now!