Thanks to all our students and staff who helped promote kindness last week! Let’s keep that spirit going everyday! That’s the GJM Way!

More Kindness Week students who completed their checklists! Thank you Kenna, Ariana, and Natalie for showing the GJM Way!

The Kindness Challenge checklists keep coming in today! Thank you to David, Raileigh, Annabelle, Leah, Easton, Kenley, Kinzlee, and Kalinaray for showing the GJM Way!

We had our first student complete everything on the Kindness Challenge checklist yesterday! Way to go Jazmine! That’s the GJM Way!

Thank you H&R Block for the school supplies! We love our community!

Pickles and popcorn tomorrow (and most Thursdays) for $1 each. Thanks for supporting the PTO!

The sky seems to have cleared up for the moment, so we will dismiss out of the back gate today (1/22)

Reminder there is a Town Hall Meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. at 2664 San Angelo (the IISD Administration building) to discuss a 2020 bond that will include addition to the Junior High, stadium and field improvements, vocational expansions, and adding an additional drive to GJM!

Please plan for back gate to be closed for dismissal today (1/22), as it looks like we should expect rain all day. If it should happen to clear up we will send out an update. Thanks!

After a long week of middle of the year testing, Mrs. Ladewig's 2nd graders enjoyed some game time to finish out Friday. We hope everyone has a safe and fun long weekend! We will see students back at school on Tuesday, January 21.

Just a reminder, no school for students on Monday, January 20th!

Mrs. Bellinger's 4th graders are designing an accessible playground as part of their ELA unit. We will have many ideas if we do another phase of the playground!

Students from Mrs. Ramsey's and Mrs. Staley's classes enjoyed learning how to play chess today on the new super sized chess board that was created as part of our playground build!

Next week on Tuesday 1/21 and Wednesday 1/22 we will have benchmark testing in grades 3 and 4. Please try not to schedule appointments these days, and do have your student on time and ready to learn! Thanks!

Reminder that Semester Awards are tomorrow, 1/17/20. If your child will receive a Semester Award, you should have received an invitation from the homeroom teacher with the times for each grade level. UIL medals will also be given out at the ceremony. 3rd 6 week Spirit Sticks will be given out in class by the homeroom teacher.

GJM students are enjoying learning to play tennis in PE!

Today we are sending home your child's report card, the school report card, and an invitation to the Semester Awards on January 17 (for students with all A, AB, and/or Perfect Attendance each six weeks this semester.) 3rd 6 week spirit sticks will be given out in class on Jan.17.

Looking forward to seeing all our students tomorrow, January 8! Due to the short week, we won't have pickles and popcorn this week, but will start again next week. Report cards will go home on Thursday, so be on the look out for those. Welcome Back!

Reminder that the first day back to school for students is Wednesday, January 8. We hope everyone had a safe and joyous Winter Break!

Look who stopped by GJM today! We hope everyone has a magical break! See you back at school on Wednesday, January 8th!